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the world's great writings brought to life  
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Emily Bronte:Wuthering Heights
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Emily Bronte:Wuthering Heights
Emily Bronte:Wuthering Heights
The lecture explores the phenomenon of the Bronte family and the Celtic and Gothic influences on three writing sisters. The only sister to never want to leave her parsonage home in Haworth, Emily produced the most powerful and most individual work of the three. We look at the origins of the story itself and what Emily does to it that makes it one of the great works of all English fiction.
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Live recording available on audio CD (about one hour in length) for £12.99, including postage & packing. To BUY this CD, click add to cart below
Live recording available in digital download format (about one hour in length) for £7.99. To BUY this download, click add to cart below
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